a seeking body / SHAPES

a seeking body / SHAPES

by Cat Jimenez

Freitag 18:30

We shape shift and code switch to belong and fit in, but at what cost?

Dance Perfomance by Cat Jimenez
Photo by Christine Miess

“a seeking body / SHAPES
reflects on the immense ability to adapt to different environments, allowing for a toolbox to change language, behavior, supposed values, social positions, and much more. But it’s also about sensing the environment itself – like sensing the temperature in water. And when does this coping become a way of existing?

“a seeking body“
is an ongoing research by Cat Jimenez that questions the view on the colonized Filipina/Filipinx body.  

„a seeking body / SHAPES
takes inspiration from the octopus – a wondrous creature with cognition distributed throughout its whole body. Its ability to instantly perceive and understand its surroundings and finally immerse itself in them through the intelligent use of its body is the starting point of „SHAPES“ in the context of the investigation of „a seeking body“.

Cat Jimenez

Cat Jimenez is a dancer, curator, creator and dreamer.

Her dance is a jumble – it appears like a colorful mess of non-styles, only to suddenly reveal a solid foundation and clarity in the next moment. This style (based on street, club dance and contemporary) enabled her to win various Austrian battles, receive a number of grants and collaborate with various artists and companies.

Movement and visuality as the language choice of her art, her work presents and questions the underlying mechanisms that shape and form the life experiences of people and society. But beyond the representation of these contents, she aims to create a space that fosters mutual understanding and co-creation.

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